
Showing posts from 2008

A Fond Farewell

As much as I enjoy writing and expressing my thoughts, I have decided to close this blog for the time being. Not that a lot of folks read it anyway... So, in the best interest of those who I love and those who love me I'm putting the computer away. I'm working so much on these stinkin things all day that I don't want to spend any more of my day on them. I'm deciding to use my time looking at my loved ones instead of looking at a computer screen. So a fond farewell for now. Be good, be kind, and show your love to everyone who crosses your path. Who knows when your moment will end here. Love, love, love, and no matter the bumps in your day cherish what you have one moment at a time... to be continued...

A strategy noticed...

As a teacher I always try and stay engaged with my students. I know there are many different beliefs and strategies to teaching, and that's okay. We are all on the same team here. Anyway, personal goal for myself is to rarely sit at my desk... For any reason. I want to be moving around where my kids notice me and I'm close to the work. Well it's been about three weeks now and I was in a groove. I went to my desk to read as my kids were reading silently when one of my boys put up the signal to make a comment or question. "Mr. Howard, this is the first time I've seen you at your desk. Many of my past teachers sit at their desk a lot." I didn't really reply other than a simple "oh, I didn't even notice I wasn't here at my desk often." I went on with the day and was startled that my goal, so far, was noticed. We have a long year to go, but I'm off to a good start I guess.

A little Dave Matthews for you daddy from little man...

"Daddy, you want me to sing a song for you? A Dave Matthews song? Here I go..." He strums the guitar and bellows... " What would you say? Don't bite the mail man... What would you say?" strum strum strum.... Luke is two, almost three... It seems we have a new Dave club member here. That's all I need to say as I was and still am speechless.

Always a comment....

As I have transitioned into a new (old) vehicle this year I have noticed that I'm still receiving many comments about the vehicle I drive. It goes with that stereo-type phrase, "the car don't make the man..." or does it? I have found this all funny and humbling. Believe I would love to have a sweet ride... But money talks here in materialized America and I still haven't figured out how to get that blasted money tree to grow. I would get real nice comments from everyone when I drove that Mini, and now I get many comments about the Beast (the neon) too. It's funny how the car changes the image. People look at me funny when I get out with a tie on for work. It's like they want me to get something else. I laugh, she still gets me around 30 miles to a gallon. One day Beautiful will have to come and pick me up from the side of the road, but until then the Beast lives... Here is a little Howard car history for you... 89 Chevy Cavalier - 1st car... d

Helping to spread the blogging world to my students...

Yesterday I decided to share the blogging world with my students. I want them to be comfortable with the Internet and all the possible options that it can produce...

Back to the lecture at hand....

Excitement filled my body as I headed back to the classroom this week. Gone are the days of summer and they will be missed. I had a great summer spending many moments with those people I hold dear to my heart, but work maintains my purpose on this Earth, and it won't hurt getting paid again consistently with a contract as support. I have many high expectations this year for my students and myself. I've introduced a recycling center in my room so the kids can see how easy it is and how they can do this at home. I've all ready built up a half of container of plastics and it's only the second day. The paper bin is not far behind either. It feels good doing something like this knowing we can make a difference. Shoot I wouldn't even have done it if it hadn't been for my beautiful wife pushing me to go green. (Not "go green" like the Spartans, that would be the ultimate sin in this house!!!!!!!!!) With school back in I know my time be

lyrics and music

Switching on the radio or sliding a cd into your player is a common action with many many people. Music can reach all levels with the rhythm, tone, or it's words. For me music is lyrical as well as rhythm. When I hear a song for the first time I really pay attention to the lyrics. It seems at times many people look past the lyrics for the beats or basic sound of the song. I enjoy this as well, but in the end I want the lyrics to decide if I like the song or not. Give me a well written love song or one with deep feeeling, mixed with piano or acoustic guitar and I'll be transfixed on that feeling being portrayed. And you don't have to simply spell it out or say, "I love you because I love you" sort of thing. I like to hear similies or mini phrases to create the feeling; "I remember thinking, sometimes we walk, sometimes we runaway. But no matter how fast we are running.. somehow we keep somehow we keep up with each other..." -dmb I'll Back You Up. We h

An image "Beauty"

I love taking photos of moments. I actually had an image like this in my head and tried to take a few months prior but never liked how they turned out. I think I really like this one and the feelings it creates. Beauty in every shape and form... A child in loving arms with his mother. The two exchanging love and comfort without words while the world's beauty lies in the background. Don't be surprised if this becomes my blog for a bit>>>>

Wreck at the course "flashback"

An afternoon call to hit the links is a call I look forward to and can never get enough of. On this particular day my buddy, we'll call him Mike for identity purposes, called to hit Green Valley, a local course, with another friend, Zach. Pulling into the parking lot I noticed I was the first to arrive on this day. Getting my shoes tied and picking the right ball to use was interrupted by Zach scorching down the drive. Halting to the spot on my left he gave the ol "What's up man" and I continued to get ready. We both finished up and headed to the clubhouse to pay our fees when the employee asks, "Walking or riding?" Personally I will walk about 95% of the time if I could, but on this day knowing we had three and Mike likes to ride, we paid for the extra cart. Turning the key and steering my way back to pick up my clubs, we finally see Mike pulling in. He steps out and says, "I wanted to walk today." Nothing we could do now with our money all ready


Pulling up to the beach front of Lake Michigan you are taken away by the beauty that this lake presents as it's waves roll atop of the sand. Hundreds and hundreds of people spread over the sand with smiles and laughter amist the crashing waves. Gathering our belongings we headed for an open area where Luke could chase the birds and Beautiful could collect the rays. Entering the water with Little Man I noticed a blurry object swimming the water. Knowing sea jellies wouldn't choose Lake Michigan as a home I cast my hand in the cool waters to Earth the object. It seems as though someone had fogotten to throw their sandwich bag away OR the bag was stolen away in a gust of wind. Now it rests in my hands filled with water. I placed it on the shore where I would dispose of this later. Re-entering the water I see that the bag may have been traveling with a friend... a plastic cup. The cup was a bit more wily as I couldn't grab it quick enough before it was lost beneath the surface.

Self Preservation

At certain times in a person's life they are left wondering if maybe for a moment, or even perhaps a couple days, they could live to be someone else. At the end of all days, man will search for a glimpse of themselves in the glory of yesterday. In this glimpse will we be certain that our life was spent in good relations, special friendships, and in the mist of love for friends and even strangers? Many times I question some basic traits of myself, my image to those around me. What if maybe I take a few drinks, or perhaps smoke an occasional cancer stick... Extend my skin to a few ink markings to toughen me up... The mind is always thinking and I can't help but be brain-washed by Hollywood that women want the Wrangler Man. The spontaneous excite of being with a rebel. I've been viewed as a clean boy, always trying to do right. Yet my heart has been broken at various points in my life by women seeking more of the Night Life and the rugged man. At these times I've looked cl

Living, Loving, Learning

As the summer rolls by and time elapses ever so quickly, my summer has been abundantly full of the pleasures and frustrations that life attracts. The sweet joys that is collected spending moments with my wife and my son are irreplaceable. My heart's cup is overflowing with love. I watch them often just interacting or reading a book and can't help feeling as though I want to cry with the blessings that my life has seen. Not a moment do I take for granted having these people in my life... Avoiding the computer as much as possible this summer (only to be tempted during my summer classes filling boredom in the passing hours like now) I've caught more of the sun's rays than years past. My good buddy Rob had come through town to hit the links with me (that's golf for the confused). Well he came home to visit family and friends but we both know golf was high on the list too!!! The rest of my summer has been filled with travel, travel, and more travel. The quick adventure
On this day 5 years ago I married the woman of my dreams, and the best friend anyone could ever imagine. I thank God for lending me one of his angels to watch over me and spend my life with....

Father and son ... golf 101

I've waited for the right time to take Luke golfing. Last week I started thinking about it more. When beautiful and I were out shopping I came across some real golf clubs for 2-5 year olds. I knew they had them but didn't want to push to hard. Well as summer vacation started I was left sitting at home while most everyone around was still at work. My buddies rarely get out to golf anymore, money, jobs, family, life... As I was getting twitchy about golfing and having no one to go with, me and the wife went to get him some clubs. The next day I took him down to the driving range to get him some swinging time. He did great!! As momma and I took a couple swings I would say he hit around 30 balls alone! No I'm not trying to create the next Tiger Woods, although the money would be nice. I simply want someone to go golfing with. What better person to go with than my son? (I'd love to golf with momma, but she doesn't like it too much I guess) We have gone out t

Just give me a moment to catch my breath

"Schools out for-the-summer!!!!" As I handed out many hugs to my students, tears fell, smiles filled the halls, and an occasional "Bye Mr. Howard" was heard from down the hall. I completed the last of my end-of-the-year paperwork in an oven (95 degrees in the morning in my classroom alone!!!). Once I locked up the room and went to get the boy my mind started recalling how stressful this last year has been on my life. I probably aged 10 years, and it wasn't my students fault either!!!! Where should I begin. I entered this year without a contract. I was to step in and fulfill a teacher's absence for the whole year. They told me it would lead to a contract, but in September I wasn't going to get my hopes up so early. They got a full time teacher at a sale!!!!! No sick days for me. If I was sick I wasn't paid. Going to Professional Development or after school activities, I wasn't paid. It was okay though because I had to pay my dues I gue

Trippin Billies

As we pulled up to the driveway finally reaching our destination of Kentucky, I noticed right away the stereo-typed culture of a hilly-billy yard. At least 6 cars were resting in the yard, 2 that were drivable. Entering the house looking at the ceiling with patches and tons of THINGS just piled up in corners and against walls. Yip, this is my heritage, true hill-billies... I have no problem with their way of life, in fact I actually see resemblance of this to my Yankee home. I really enjoy being down here amongst family members I rarely get to see. To get out of "The Rat Race" is great. (Down home they refer to our living as a rat race...) It's quiet, everybody is friendly, and when people wave they use ALL of their fingers. The only real problem i endured is smoking two packs of cigs before eggs are served. I second-hand smoked at least two cartons in two days with this group of travelers. It took some getting use to but once breakfast is done and over &q

Whatever and whatever... love you, bye

As my lunchtime was almost over, I noticed that my phone was blinking. "Somebody loves me" I thought OR just a junk call not worth noting. Anyway I was relieved to see that the missed call was from my love. Seems she tried to reach me at 8:10 this morning. I left her sleeping so I was thinking that maybe somebody wanted to come and look at the house. I hit the button to listen to the call......... "Hey it's me. Um, the living room could be bigger, possibly hazardous or whatever. I was blrrr rrrrgh and whatever, so yeah its blrrrr aaagh flurrrr. I'll talk to you later." Curious why our living room is now considered hazardous, I listened to the message again. Wanting to call about the message I left the curiosity for after school. After school I called LA to talk before my class. I asked her about the call and she didn't know what I was talking about. She checked her phone to see any incoming or outgoing calls had occurred. She didn't see

A big THANK YOU for my life

As we finished up the yearly routine of eating cake and opening gifts for the birthday, LeeAnn and I had plans to eat at the Mongolian Barbecue in Ann Arbor. I was excited and eagerly waiting that delicious plate! LeeAnn told me we were going to drop off her brother at a friend's house that lived there. I wanted to take my car, but LA insisted that we take hers. I just wanted to save a little gas. As we approached the exit I was handed a blind fold and then knew why we couldn't take my car. As I sat going through the turns I tried to map out where we were going. No such luck. I was led into a building where all of my wonderful friends screamed surprise. I was surprised too. I earlier guess we might be playing Whirly Ball, but not real seriously. Anyway we had a great time and I was so surprised LA went this far. I've never had a surprise party before!! (Two months of planning and secret e-mails.. this girl of mine is sneaky!!!!!) I just wanted to thank everyon

My name is Anthony, I will be 28. thank you

As another birthday nears, I try and not place to big an emphasis on the actual number. As a matter of fact I really don't too excited anymore. It is but a day where I realize I am getting older, hopefully another year wiser. I don't care that I'M getting older, but really I think of everyone else around me more on my birthday. I see the faces that have surrounded me for many years and the smiles have always been there. What hasn't been there is the added wrinkles on their faces, the expanded waist line, a new difficulty of walking... You see if I'm getting older the people I love are too. I cherish each birthday where family gathers to enjoy the afternoon one more time. As my birthdays will continue (hopefully), I will eventually see less faces as they will have spent their time here and will have passed on. So as I will get a year older this Saturday, the 17th, I will cherish those who will join me one more time. So please excuse me if I'm not spinnin

here today.. enjoying this moment

As I placed Luke in bed I watched his chest move up and down as he slipped away into dream-land. To look in his face and realize that he was created from a love so pure and sweet makes my heart count the many blessing I have. As the daily stresses build from work all is erased as I watch him sleep peacefully. Though my beautiful wife LeeAnn isn't here with me now, she IS I see lying here in the bed with him as he is a beautiful reflection of her. Isn't it funny how love can erase all worry and anguish that the day throws at you. If I were to pass tomorrow and talk to God about dying at such a young age, I could actually say I lived a full life filled with people I truly loved, and in part truly loved me.... As Luke shifts in the bed I lean over to kiss his forehead one more time and whisper, " daddy loves you" for I want him to know that everyday I love him and mommy more than life itself. My happiness is to see both of them smile, and if I can shine ligh

My GROIN is healing... Thanks for your concern

Hey I'm feeling better today. A little lighter in the wallet (thanks college credit!!). Hey it's only money. I really don't like to dwell on money issues. Money is just money, you make it, you spend it. Heck , many of us spend money that we don't have (thanks credit card companies!!) I'm one for never settling. If something is out there that you have your eyes set on, don't settle. Now this might cause you to have to wait to save a few extra bucks. If you can't wait for this MUST HAVE thing then you really don't want it, or even need it. I remember something the pastor told us when beautiful (my wife for those just joining us) and I were making the promise of the vows. He said, "In today's society people no longer say "Til death do us part", BUT "Til DEBT do us part." These words really stuck with me. I see many couples who fight and complain because of money. Now it can be frustrating at times if someone gets crazy about mon

Because You Love me

Dear God, As I lay my head down tonight I come to you with more questions about life. They are many questions that you have heard before, yet every one seems to present itself as new once again. You are love and love divine, as this world has been created with love as a foundation I can't help but question the pains that come with breathing. For instance, why does jealously rid some souls. No doubt prior situations have played to this, and I can only seek a peace of mind with trust and complete honesty. I try to live my days doing the right things, avoiding hurtful situations to any if I can, yet I still do things wrong at times. Your gift of love has built the man you see before you today. I don't care about money, cars, or any other little pleasures that life presents. Everyday I want to give love to any I meet. I'm not going to lie though, some probably don't deserve love, but they need to receive it the most. Also Father I question mans'

Finish him...

Have you ever had one of those days where you could just rewind and start it over? If I was contemplating suicide in any sorts, I would have probably done it at 8:06; let's just call it a day shall we. I woke up at 6:30 to begin my day. It started out wonderful, but then blah, blah, blah, school ended, off to class, blah, blah, blah find out my credits for my certificate doesn't count, blah, blah, blah come home at 7:15, look for a positive boost at home (my support, my comfort, my relaxation) instead find stones being thrown in my direction. Emotionally I am against the ropes at this point anyway, but now find that as I collapse to the floor and reach for the ropes I'm continually being kicked in the groin. "Stay down." If it wasn't for Mickey in my head saying "I didn't hear no bell" I would have just laid there to drown in my own blood. After the good lashing I received for being "an idiot", I cooked some burgers to feed my too


As the career of teaching allows me to enjoy the pleasures of summer rays without work, I realize that this time is really to get my mind back to normal. After the emotional roller coaster that the year can have on a teacher, I find myself in golf therapy during the summer. Unfortunately it hasn't started for me yet. I'm really going to golf my way back to sanity this year. The past two months has been dedicated to getting the infamous SB-CEU's to revalidate my certificate by next June. I'm trying to cram them in this year because the state has increased the fee per credit hour. Right now I'm getting 3 credits for $70. Starting in the summer it will go to $70 a credit. Now if your school won't pay for it, and you need 18 credits, this could cause stress in the wallet. I decided to take all I can now to ensure I'm getting my money for credit worth. It seems Michigan has implied this new teacher tax without actually calling it a tax. We all have to

Life's little pleasures

Waking up in the morning to the sound of my little boy is an amazing sound, even if he is whining, screaming, or just simply playing. I love it. I love just watching him grow. I wonder what he will be like as time steals away the baby that I once held for hours and hours. As Luke continues his life I hold on to the sweet possibilities that I might be blessed with more some day. I've been blessed enough now that I have a very special person in LeeAnn who I see to be such a wonderful mother. She loves both Luke and I, as we are her Howard boys. The moments I sit and think how almost ten years has gone by with her by my side and I wonder if life could get any better. Still there are low times when I fear that something may take either of them away, or if i am hurt in some way too. I can't help to think about it, which is why I want to spend every moment of my life without taking the little pleasures in life for granted. I want to one day be sitting on the porch with LeeA

Sweet Sunshine is coming... I hope

Driving past the lake each morning is a constant tease to the possible relaxation moments that await as rain and snow mixed continued to fall. Thinking of how nice it will be to lay in the grass or sand looking towards the wonderful people that enrich my life daily, my wife and my son. Watching the love that gets tossed around as the sun would warm their thoughts and skin at no bother to either of them. As the skin that blankets our bodies start to sizzle like eggs on a skillet, the water would cool us. Smiles would splatter as we look at each other and think, "Who would have thought life would be so great?" A family of love living for the moment, enjoying the sweet rays that light our lives. As I check the mirror I find a small grin in the mirror wishing for the spring summer rays. But as I look out to the left and see the birds shake their feathers at the windy air, I shiver myself and continue around the lake thinking warm thoughts.


I love to read, what can I say. Movie or book, I'll choose the movie most of the time. But then I fall into the category of one of those book people who will say it isn't like the book or the book is so much better. You know what, you'd be right too. There is so much more details that can be portrayed in a book. The details keep me coming back. Also character development is very strong in the books too. Anyway this spring break I wanted to read, which I haven't done in a few months. I started with Small Steps ( finished this book in one sitting), then the short Spiderwick book (only 56 pages), and then The Silent Boy. I read the younger leveled books because I can't understand the adults ones... Actually I read these books as research for books that I think my kids might enjoy in the classroom. Virtual fieldtrips that can lead us anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I don't read just young reader books, although the Potter kid keeps begging me to pick the ser

Little Man is sick

My last couple nights have been lacking sleep as I wake to check on little man. He has been nursing a cold for a couple days. The coughing wakes him up throughout the night. Sometimes he wakes calling for Momma, but he has to settle for daddy. As momma works through this weekend bringing home the bread, I slip into the "house daddy" and tidy up the house and tend to the child. It's hard for me to lay listening to my boy wheezing through his sleep trying to find a clean breath to take. His head is on fire and I've tried cool baths, medicines, stripping him down, yet nothing seems to work. The doctor just gave us the "it's a viral cold" statement without any pills to cure it (we just love having a pill to cure us don't we). I get scared some times being by myself at night not knowing what could happen and I might not react the way I should. I feel comfort having my beautiful wife in the house as she is more knowledgeable medically than I. So

Living with Regret

We've all been hurt in some fashion. Whether it be by a friend, (a back-stabbing) a loved one (fireworks gone dry), or even by family (trusting blood, yet it turns to water). The choices that life presents is like a kid in a candy-store. Should I go for the sugar coated gummy or a chocolate thunder bar? Having choices is good, but to make the right choice is great!! I know many people who look back on their lives with regret. " I was young and bull-headed" "I wanted to have fun" "He wouldn't do this" "I wasn't ready at the time"... If you look closely you'll see a common trend, they all have I's in them. We are a selfish society. We don't take time to think about others and what effects what. It is a "my world" and "I'll do what I want" type of place. From material items to taking that last drink before stumbling back to the homestead. "I can control myself" Can you? Look at t

The Boogie Monster Anyone?? yea

McDonald's seemed to be my son's choice for a healthy dinner tonight where it is just dad and son. Mom flew the coop and is scrap booking for the next 8 hours. Now I wouldn't have chosen Mickey's D's but Luke is sick and food in general wasn't a big priority for him. Right now I just want him to eat SOMETHING. Awaiting my order the lady through the window makes a comment about my car, the mini draws comments for some reason. Then she turns her attention to the rear seat, which makes me feel awkward that she is looking around in my car. I mean what if I had a pair of boxers with racing stripes hanging about. (Never mind how the stripes got on there. I mean I'm using it as an example. Come on people, clean minds here please...) In my car is my business right? Well she sees the boy and says, " Aw he is so cute. I turn my focus to look and see his right finger going for the right hole in is nose. Correct technique and everything. Modest he is.

Anyone out there? Hellooooo?

From the busy days to those noise filled days at home sometimes you just want a little piece and quiet. As I sit here alone without all the sounds I really would like them back. I don't hear my son playing or tormenting Rocky tonight. I don't hear the typing that usually fills the late nights that my beautiful wife produces, instead I am the one typing. I tried to get the dog wound up to have some scraping noises of him running away from me as I chase him screaming. I had to stop for fear that the neighbors would probably call the fuzz on me or just realize how crazy I actually am. I don't like this alone feeling. There's no chance that I might be hugged, smiled at, kissed, or simply told "no daddy, that's my basketball." I would try to hug and kiss Rocky but our windows are pretty big and open, and again fearing the perception from those around here I choose to give Rocky a night off. He gets enough from Luke anyway. Why does boredom make time pause, yet


I entered the dentist office for my routine check-up. I'm never in a hurry to get there but arrive in good spirits. I walk down the long hallway where the captain's chair awaits its captain. As I sit down I hear an argument from another room. The lady walks out without saying a word in a hurry. After a few moments have gone by I notice the argument has gone from low volume to a monster truck rally. Furniture was being overturned from the noises that bounced their way into my room. I got out of my chair and went down the hall. Their was a gentleman, although not being very gentle, wrestling with another male who appeared to be a dentist from his attire he supported. As I neared the two, the lady that walked me to my chair faced me from across the room with an irritated look on her face. The two men stopped as they changed their focus onto the lady scowling at me. She pulled from her jacket a knife. I seemed to be frozen and disturbed that my dental office was acting

This moment is best....

I am enjoying my life at the moment to the fullest. To be loved and to give love is truly what this life is all about. Anybody out there agree?

My little shadow

As the moments continue to pass I am starting to see what kind of young man my boy will grow into. Of course this is a true reflection of how I act in front of him and what I present as a father to him. I watch what I say and try to do the right things. I love on mommy a lot and he now mirrors that action (sippin' on my kool-aid). Now when it comes to sports I have to be very careful. I'm a very competitive person and sometimes I let it show on my face. I love the games and enjoy playing them. This is what I want Luke to learn as well. To love the games, don't treat them as anything more than that. What is done on the court or field stays on the field. When you take the aggressive side of sports and apply them to other situations you meet problems. Now I don't like to lose, not many people do, if anybody; but we must accept losing sometimes and not let it ruin our lives. You can use it as motivation to get better, but don't take it into other parts of lif

Bottom's Up

So the new thing my son and I are playing is Hide-and- go- seek. Luke started this game at my grandma Howard's house during the day, but recently he started bringing this idea home. We hide from the linen closet, behind furniture, under small boxes, and on the other side of the bed. Usually Luke just goes and hides in the linen closet, but the other day he fooled me. I went around calling his name. Usually he starts laughing and I can tell where he his, but on that day he didn't make a sound. For about 1 minute I was actually really trying to find him. From the bathroom, to my bedroom, then to his; he was nowhere to be found. I looked behind the doors, around the couch, everywhere. It was then in his room that I was trying to think as a two year old, which actually for me wasn't that hard to do. I turned to his bed and spotted a patch of red within the blanket. As I ventured closer i realized he was mooning me from under the blanket. The surprising thing was tha

Time goes on

I just got off a fantastic weekend with my family. Alone time with my beautiful wife, play time with the child, and we even mixed a little time for friends. Wednesdays are always dreaded though. On these days we must bid farewell to the past nights of family time. LeeAnn has worked third shifts now for well over a year consistently, but not having her there at night is never easy. It's just Luke and I. As much as I enjoy spending time with my son it's always better to have her here with us. To know she is in the other room is a comfort. I try and fill the void with time wasted on the Internet, movies, or working out. I have written some songs about the emptiness, but no one ever hears them but me. I love spending time as a complete family. The time apart does give me a reminder on how I can't live without her. And then I desire her even more, but I then have to wait until the next afternoon to see her. Sometimes I get a call to bring her some food at work (mi

On this day of LOVE...

On this the official day of love I would like to wish all those who read a wonderful loving day. However, when this day ends don't wait another year to confess your love to that special someone. Our mates are treasures that need to be treated this way without a marked day on the calendar. I love you beautiful. Everyday I am blessed to be in your presence is a day of love. You are my life. Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!

Pee Buddy

As the new adventures of potty training continue with Luke I find myself doing more cleaning than when I just changed his diaper. Yesterday we were standing at the toilet waiting, counting down, and waiting some more. I even turn the water on to get him in the flowing mood. He'll even tell me now to turn it on. Anyway this last time Luke says to me, "you go too daddy." At this point I actually had to go. So I stand next to the boy, after he sees that I'm ready to go he starts the hose. I could not believe how quick and powerful he lined the bathroom. Before I could put myself away Luke was all ready watering the floor, the back of the toilet, and across my leg. I think even he was surprised at his power. It was like a fire-engine water hose on full blast without anyone tending to the hose. Just let it loose. As the pee party continued he starts saying, "I'm peeing, I'm peeing." I on the other hand I was screaming, "I'm hit!!!!!

I'm Stuck... On you

This evening was very pleasant, stealing hugs and kisses from my wife,playing with the boy; All within the hour before LeeAnn heads to work. I went out to start her car, routine. She was getting ready in the bathroom, routine, and I got her some lunch from the freezer to take with her, also routine. The time was about 6:09 and LA's running late, which is becoming routine, hehehehe. Anyway, she was rushing around to get out the door when I told her to watch because my car was right behind hers. "Just go around it to the right." We had our farewell kiss, and the boy got his as well. I then began to proceed to the back of the house for something. I thought I heard a noise of a car door so I went to peek out. About 5 minutes had passed since LA left the house. I peeked out to see her car spinning the tires at probably 50 mph in an effort to break free from the snow that covered our yard. She was off to the right of my car but over in the yard where a monster truck

For the Love of the Game

As the days fade away we are all left with the realization that one day there will be something that we always loved to do and no longer the ability to do them. The older you get the more things you have to leave behind. As I'm not classified as old (though there are times when I can't move after playing a sport) I do think about when the day will come where I have to alter my very active life. It has become a little harder motivating myself to participate in extra activities with the hectic schedule that surrounds my wife and I. Now I would gladly participate if my love would accompany me. As a matter of fact, LeeAnn has been terrific about trying sports with me. She isn't the most athletic person in the world but she tries for me. From golf, to b-ball, bowling, and even tennis she will give each an opportunity for me. At the time I never really told her how much I appreciated this. It made me feel so loved when she would play these activities with me. (I love you b

A Box from the Past

As I was searching for a lost cd in my parents basement I came across a boot box. It was near some of my old stuff so I decided to take a peek. When I opened the box I knew exactly where it came from. It took me back about six years. It placed me at my Grandma Zczyiel's. Right in her living room. She was sick at the time and I was there keeping her company. I remember bringing over Rebecca (my first guitar) and showing it to her. Grandma was so excited. She couldn't wait to hear some music from me. At the time I couldn't do much with it but admire what future sounds that might come from it. She was there on the couch with some old newspaper clippings. She was telling me that she wanted me to have them. As I scanned through them I realized they were articles and small wordings about myself during my high school basketball days. She had kept them all. I told her thanks but left the box there to later come for it. I remember putting the box away and then going t

One Day...

On my way to work I was stopped by a school bus with its flashers on. As I sat there I notice a father with his two kids waiting for the door to open. The father had on sweat pants, boots, and a robe it appeared. He didn't seem to be cold, but the temperature on my gauge told me he had to of been. As the doors opened his kids turned and gave him a hug and kiss good-bye. The father stood back up and helped the kids get onto the bus and as the door closed walked the length of the bus until the his children sat down. He remained there waving until the bus drive off. As I began to take off I was engulfed with a strong sense of love as a father. I can't wait to do this with Luke and my future children. I would do it the same way I thought. I wouldn't care about how I was dressed, what shoes I had on or anything. I had so much respect for this man I didn't even know. It was just something I could see myself doing. I have a couple years yet for Luke to start schoo