
Showing posts from November, 2007

Family of Love

Family... It seems that we try and fill up our lives with an abundance of selfish desires when what really matters is the people that have stood by our side through thick and thin, good times and bad. We take our families for granted all the time. You running short on your bills this month, who is their to lend you some bread? I have been blessed to have a great surrounding family. And I'm not just talking about my own flesh and blood, but my extended family (in-laws). These are people that I truly love and I don't even take a second sometimes to let them know. LeeAnn and I have family here that doesn't have a lot of money, but they will and have opened their pockets for her and I in troubled times. We don't ask for such things, but they are willing to take a hit in their pocket to see their children stay above water. And even now with our son our family again extends a hand for LeeAnn and I without complaint, and without regret. They have done so much for us.

Good Times, Great Times, Times Of Love...

Last night my beautiful wife and I went out on a date. On this night we left little man with Grandma Howard. We do so much as a family that LeeAnn and I are not left with some quality time of our own during the week. So we made this a night for us. First I took her to LoneStar Steakhouse. I know it isn't a knockout restaurant but we make do with what we have in Jackson. To me I didn't care where we went as long as I had her with me so I could enjoy her beautiful presence. After the dinner we went bowling. Her and I had been apart of a bowling league practically since we were together (9 1/2 yrs). Since we had Lukas we have not been on a league. Just one of the many sacrifices that comes with parenting and work scheduling. So on this night we chose the old past time of ours to continue our night of love. The big question that you might be thinking is, "Did I let her win?" Well I thought about it, and after the sixth strike I threw in a row it was brought

Pills Popping America or Just Stubborn?

I don't know about the rest of you but I wait until the very last possible moment before I pop a medicine pill of any sorts. Don't know why I don't just take something, but in the end if you leave a pill out for me to take you better actually watch me put it in my mouth and swallow. Check under my tongue, the sides of my mouth, and stay by my side for at least 10 minutes so you know I can't regurgitate that bad boy right back out. Maybe it is because I see it all the time where people are taking these pills for just about everything. " So Mr. Howard, you say that on your left foot about 3/4 of the way up your big toe you have a slight droopiness when you walk. Your toe could be stressed out from carrying the a lot of weight on that foot. We see this all the time. Don't worry, we have a pill for that big guy. It will probably run you $90 a pill, and if you start taking it you will probably rely on the pill much much more and will have to take this the r

Do What I Say and Not What I Do

I had a student of mine yesterday give me a nice comment after a question response activity I had done with them. You see we are reading a book about how a child and father are coping with a mother that has left in order to find herself. And this book has many opportunities for myself to really reach down and get these kids to open up to me so I can understand them better. So anyway I had them begin their journal entry questions and I told them to write honest answers about themselves because no one will read these but them, not even I. My objective was to get them to really think about themselves and what they have already overcome in their lives or what goals they possess. To make a long story short after we were done and we were reflecting on what they had written I went off on a heart to heart talk with them. At the end of my little thing the student said, "Mr. Howard, we have been talking and believe that you should go around to different schools and talk to kids all around t

Numbered Days...

Joy has overwhelmed my Sunday so far. The morning was welcomed with the silent pleasures that a man can relish with his beautiful love. As she lay sleeping I ran my fingers through her hair. Feelings of love trickled from my hands through each strand of hair that flows from her head. A sense of peace and tranquility as I admired her special features. Time seemed to stop. And though I knew she was mildly aware that I lay there treasuring each second, I continued for I knew that these moments are too few and far from the norm. I received nothing in return physically, or even expected a return gesture. The simple presence of peace with her as she lay stretching for the pillow. If only these moments could last a lifetime. Those seconds that floated by this morning left me with the question, " If I leave this Earth tomorrow, will she know just how much I truly love her? Not just when she is sleeping, but when she is right in front of me. We all have numbered days on thi

Stress leads me to vent on the one place I don't care for... The Internet

Well I've never blogged before but I need to do something.. I've seen my wife do this and I've always been one to get everything out in writing, so I'll try it. Where should I start. Do I go back when I was a teenager, start from college, or just begin with this year? I have frequently looked at myself as a sincere hopeless romantic. The hopeless part is I share these feelings with my own heart and fill it completely yet only some of what I am feeling gets to the surface in spoken word. I have a great fear of rejection is the problem. I also have a low self-esteem. If I keep putting the pieces out there you would probably think that I was depressed and belonged behind bars. You see I don't drink, can't dance, take things for granted and then beat myself up over it. Some might call me boring since I'm not a rebel. I do have a wonderful wife that has stuck with me for nearly 10 years. She has helped me feel good about myself. She knows my flaws and