Pills Popping America or Just Stubborn?

I don't know about the rest of you but I wait until the very last possible moment before I pop a medicine pill of any sorts. Don't know why I don't just take something, but in the end if you leave a pill out for me to take you better actually watch me put it in my mouth and swallow. Check under my tongue, the sides of my mouth, and stay by my side for at least 10 minutes so you know I can't regurgitate that bad boy right back out. Maybe it is because I see it all the time where people are taking these pills for just about everything. " So Mr. Howard, you say that on your left foot about 3/4 of the way up your big toe you have a slight droopiness when you walk. Your toe could be stressed out from carrying the a lot of weight on that foot. We see this all the time. Don't worry, we have a pill for that big guy. It will probably run you $90 a pill, and if you start taking it you will probably rely on the pill much much more and will have to take this the rest of your life to be completely happy...." Okay, this sarcasm might be a bit much, but cats are now taking depression pills. Yes they should get them too because if they don't have them then they will urinate on your precious material items 17% more. I also understand that research shows that there are brain chemicals that can be corrected with such pills. All I am saying is that America gets too comfortable with taking pills.
With that said I have been ill for about three weeks now. Have I taken anything, well does Night Time medicine count? I know I took this at least 2 days out of the 3 weeks. Anyway I am off to the doctors tomorrow to get my pills so I can be rid of this. I guess I am just stubborn. Maybe they have a pill for that.


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