I'm Back..

Its been about 10 years since I've logged onto this blog. A lot has changed in my life, but a lot has remained the same. The moments that have shaped my life up to this point has me feeling very good about my current 'moment' in life. I have God, friends, and my family. Life is good. Life is sweet. As I renew my commitment to this blog my goal is to leave the thoughts, frustrations, failures, and successes of an 'Average Joe' who is no better than you, who does normal things in a crazy world just trying to make sense of it all. Striving for love, happiness, and a future for my children that will leave the world better than the way we have found it.
Since it has been 10 solid years, there are going to be flashbacks that will help fill in the blanks. As of right now, all you have to look at is the photo I've attached here. It reveals my riches, my investments, and my future.
Lukas is now 12 years old. Still the same crazy smiling kid as before, just taller. He's reached the 'pre-teen' moment in his life, and that has caused for more grey hairs sprouting on my head. But we'll dive into that later. Following Lukas, we were blessed to have Brady, 8, enter the clan. Dude is a highly sensitive, always smiling, dancing kind of kid. Coming 3rd to the Howard family is Aaron, 5. We'll refer to him as A-A-Ron, or his current alias, Darth Vader.
Then there is LeeAnn- the center piece, the glue that holds this family together. The feelings I have for this woman can not be expressed in words.... With that said, this blog will TRY to express those feelings using words- ha ha.

Its good to be back writing again. I'm back baby. I'm back.


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