Time goes on

I just got off a fantastic weekend with my family. Alone time with my beautiful wife, play time with the child, and we even mixed a little time for friends. Wednesdays are always dreaded though. On these days we must bid farewell to the past nights of family time. LeeAnn has worked third shifts now for well over a year consistently, but not having her there at night is never easy. It's just Luke and I. As much as I enjoy spending time with my son it's always better to have her here with us. To know she is in the other room is a comfort. I try and fill the void with time wasted on the Internet, movies, or working out. I have written some songs about the emptiness, but no one ever hears them but me. I love spending time as a complete family. The time apart does give me a reminder on how I can't live without her. And then I desire her even more, but I then have to wait until the next afternoon to see her. Sometimes I get a call to bring her some food at work (midnight runs when Luke's at grandmas) and I get excited for the few minutes she might sit in the car with me, or for one more kiss. Who would have thought anyone could love someone else this much. I am reminded of her when she is at work by Luke, who resembles her beauty. Luke fills my heart, but LeeAnn will always be the one to complete it. .................I love you honey. I hope your night is well...


the night is going okay so far!

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