My little shadow

As the moments continue to pass I am starting to see what kind of young man my boy will grow into. Of course this is a true reflection of how I act in front of him and what I present as a father to him. I watch what I say and try to do the right things. I love on mommy a lot and he now mirrors that action (sippin' on my kool-aid).

Now when it comes to sports I have to be very careful. I'm a very competitive person and sometimes I let it show on my face. I love the games and enjoy playing them. This is what I want Luke to learn as well. To love the games, don't treat them as anything more than that. What is done on the court or field stays on the field. When you take the aggressive side of sports and apply them to other situations you meet problems. Now I don't like to lose, not many people do, if anybody; but we must accept losing sometimes and not let it ruin our lives. You can use it as motivation to get better, but don't take it into other parts of life. I believe too many fathers and mothers let sports get carried away and then you have the fights in front of the child. What the heck does this teach your child?

Right now Luke and I are having so much fun with our games. I can't wait to take him golfing or throw the baseball around in the yard. It is going to be so much fun watching him grow into a man.


Jenny said…
So sweet and so true!

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