I'm Stuck... On you

This evening was very pleasant, stealing hugs and kisses from my wife,playing with the boy; All within the hour before LeeAnn heads to work. I went out to start her car, routine. She was getting ready in the bathroom, routine, and I got her some lunch from the freezer to take with her, also routine. The time was about 6:09 and LA's running late, which is becoming routine, hehehehe. Anyway, she was rushing around to get out the door when I told her to watch because my car was right behind hers. "Just go around it to the right." We had our farewell kiss, and the boy got his as well. I then began to proceed to the back of the house for something. I thought I heard a noise of a car door so I went to peek out. About 5 minutes had passed since LA left the house. I peeked out to see her car spinning the tires at probably 50 mph in an effort to break free from the snow that covered our yard. She was off to the right of my car but over in the yard where a monster truck would have had problems getting out. Apparently I didn't leave enough room to get around my car. I grabbed my slippers and headed out to try and get the car rocking and free. As I went to the door I seen the beautiful look in my wife's eye that I was her one and only prince coming to rescue her. I was all ready smiling and laughing, probably not the best look for the prince right now. As I came closer to the window I noticed that this look of admiration was actually a look of death. Not the stink eye, nor the crooked eye, but the evil eye.

I quickly tried to work my magic around the SUV. I didn't realize how heavy this thing was. Long story short my neighbor came over to help me save face and rock the vehicle loose. As I could tell she was frustrated already from being far behind routine schedule, I decided to wait until she got down the road to tell her that her front head light looked to be out. Oh Lord please don't let her get pulled over again...


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