Pee Buddy

As the new adventures of potty training continue with Luke I find myself doing more cleaning than when I just changed his diaper. Yesterday we were standing at the toilet waiting, counting down, and waiting some more. I even turn the water on to get him in the flowing mood. He'll even tell me now to turn it on. Anyway this last time Luke says to me, "you go too daddy." At this point I actually had to go. So I stand next to the boy, after he sees that I'm ready to go he starts the hose. I could not believe how quick and powerful he lined the bathroom. Before I could put myself away Luke was all ready watering the floor, the back of the toilet, and across my leg. I think even he was surprised at his power. It was like a fire-engine water hose on full blast without anyone tending to the hose. Just let it loose. As the pee party continued he starts saying, "I'm peeing, I'm peeing." I on the other hand I was screaming, "I'm hit!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm hit!!" As the storm came to a close Luke celebrated, "I peed with daddy!!" I had to chime in with, "yeah, and you peed on daddy." After we washed his hands I sent him packing to enjoy his choice of candy. I had to hang back and mop the floor, clean the toilet, and change my pants. I was thinking, he doesn't have to learn to pee in the potty. I mean they make adult diapers, so he could make it through. Couldn't he?


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