For the Love of the Game

As the days fade away we are all left with the realization that one day there will be something that we always loved to do and no longer the ability to do them. The older you get the more things you have to leave behind. As I'm not classified as old (though there are times when I can't move after playing a sport) I do think about when the day will come where I have to alter my very active life. It has become a little harder motivating myself to participate in extra activities with the hectic schedule that surrounds my wife and I. Now I would gladly participate if my love would accompany me. As a matter of fact, LeeAnn has been terrific about trying sports with me. She isn't the most athletic person in the world but she tries for me. From golf, to b-ball, bowling, and even tennis she will give each an opportunity for me. At the time I never really told her how much I appreciated this. It made me feel so loved when she would play these activities with me. (I love you beautiful!!)

Now as Luke as entered the equation I love having him around when I am playing. I often look over to LeeAnn and Lukas, if he is not running around, during my games. There could be a 100 people shouting my name and I wouldn't hear them during the game, but if LeeAnn or Luke says anything I can hear them clear as day. In fact the best part of the game is when I go over to my family and Luke will give me a hug or say "good job daddy." I look forward to that moment after the game when I walk out of the gym with LeeAnn by my side and Luke holding my hand or being carried out. They just mean so much to me.

When the day finally comes where I pass the torch off to Luke I will certainly miss playing. Right now I will keep playing "average ball" as long as I can. I have to be ready for the day Luke challenges me in the drive-way for the title. I don't know when that day will come, but when it does I'll be ready. *smile*


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