One Day...

On my way to work I was stopped by a school bus with its flashers on. As I sat there I notice a father with his two kids waiting for the door to open. The father had on sweat pants, boots, and a robe it appeared. He didn't seem to be cold, but the temperature on my gauge told me he had to of been. As the doors opened his kids turned and gave him a hug and kiss good-bye. The father stood back up and helped the kids get onto the bus and as the door closed walked the length of the bus until the his children sat down. He remained there waving until the bus drive off. As I began to take off I was engulfed with a strong sense of love as a father. I can't wait to do this with Luke and my future children. I would do it the same way I thought. I wouldn't care about how I was dressed, what shoes I had on or anything. I had so much respect for this man I didn't even know. It was just something I could see myself doing. I have a couple years yet for Luke to start school, and by no means do I want those years to rush by. I just will love it when I get that kiss and hug from him as I tell him to "have a good day. Treat your teacher with respect. I love you little man."


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