
"The most wasted day is that in which we have not laughed." -Chamfort

I love to laugh. My friends, family, and even my students have experienced my laughter many many times. To some it may come off as evil, depending on the situation. Ask my buddy Mike. He knows. But its not that I think watching people fall on ice, or run into trees with golf carts causing small concussions (again ask Mike) are funny, its just, well... okay its funny. From tripping over obstacles (love you honey), to Luke doing handstands from leaning over the couch (he didn't get hurt), to practically peeing myself during a teacher training conference at a joke that only I caught... I just love to laugh. Now before people judge me by laughing when someone falls or gets a good groin shot, I do, for the most part see if they are not bleeding, crying, or hurt without recognition (I also laugh when I get into crazy situations too). I think it all started for me when my buddy and I took the sled back in grade school and enjoyed wiping kids out as they were coming up the hill. Man I just can't stop. If I get going I'll cry. I'm a man, but I'll cry.

Now as much as I love to laugh myself I enjoy seeing other people around me laugh. To hear my wife's genuine laughter is beautiful to my ears. Her face lights up and the eyes well up. I love any moment this occurs. To get Luke to laugh is easy but new every time he does it. We were in Meijer grocery shopping the other day and we were playing faces while I was pushing the cart. I was acting a fool for him but he just kept laughing and laughing so I kept going myself. What I failed to realize at the time was all the people staring at us in the store. LeeAnn told me in the car, but it wasn't as though they thought I was crazy or a fool. She said they just smiled and pointed us out. I guess I didn't realize it at the time but it didn't matter. Luke was having a good time with his dad. I'd gladly play the fool for LeeAnn or Luke so as long as they have a smile on their face. Seek the joys in life and share a smile with someone. Its such a great feeling and very refreshing. Excuse me now as I think it's time for my son's 7:00 laughter dose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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