The different roads of life

"We cannot change yesterday. We can only make the most of today, and look with hope towards tomorrow." -?

Have you ever sat thinking about different situations that have happened and wished you could change them? I often dwell on mistakes that I've made in the past. I mean they would probably seem very minor to most people, but a mistake is a mistake. I think too many people too often allow the past to consume their lives and drive them into depression. I do try and turn these mistakes into positives by learning from them. Now mind you it isn't always that easy. Even though hard times come and go it is the experiences that can one day help a loved one go through similar circumstances. At the time of the crisis/mistake, we don't want to stop and go, "you know I'm so glad that I left my car on in the garage and eventually blew up. This way I know to clean up the spilled gas from the lawn mower right when it happens." Ok, I know that seems like an impossible mistake, but I hope you get my point. One should not live in the past. What is gone is gone. It is up to each of us to make the most of the minute you are in. You don't have to forget the past, but don't let it take over. Use the past to help guide you and make you better.
We all want some kind of change in the world. Mostly it's selfish desires, some might say peace and love, less pollution, etc... You hear politicians speak about change and how they would make a difference. Truth is you can only change yourself. Now by changing yourself you could impact people around you and eventually see a change. This isn't your doing. Free will... One can only change unless they want to change. We all have a choice in this world. You are who you want to be essentially. Don't blame other people. Look at yourself and know you have a choice.
I have been looking at myself lately and the choices that I've made through this short life of mine so far. Some good, some not so good. All I can do is keep living, keep breathing, and keep giving as much love as I can to everyone. That is my choice. I will accept my faults, my mistakes, and I will remember them and learn from them. Then when God puts someone in my path who needs my help and my love from similar experiences, I'll know what to do. It's a tough road out there, but together we can make it a little further.


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