The New Year

I'm sure over the past couple hours people have been explaining their resolutions. Of course we all want some things changed in our lives, and making a list is or mental note is a popular way to keep track. I do have a few things that I would like to be accountable of this year. Here is goes;
* Express my feelings more verbally to those around me- This is easy to do yet not done enough
* Drink less Mt. Dew- this isn't easy for me, I'm doing better but I go through withdraws
* Eat more vegetables- My wife is helping me try new things, plus I'd like to stay around on Earth a while longer
* Treat my wife like the treasure she is EVERYDAY- She will probably become sick of me always loving on her, but she deserves it... The love I mean, not the annoyance
* Record some of my songs on cd- This is so I will have them in case I every forget them
* Help others learn about the relationship with Jesus
* Not think so selfishly

Although now that I have actually blogged these I hope this list doesn't become a list of "what I didn't do" when I look back next year. I could just scrap these things and settle for one word on my resolution list... LOVE. I'll do my best, but I will need help.


Anonymous said…
I did a similar post on my blog though mine was about how I made a list and failed at all of them. My resolution this year is simply to try. To try and make myself better.
Anonymous said…
The previous post was by me: Steve

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