I understand now... Finally I understand

"Love is, above all the gift of oneself." -Jean Anouilh

We all want it. The desire to be loved. Constant fireworks forever like the first days. The only thing that matters is being with each other. Then years down the line, work, kids, selfish individual pleasures, and not enough time to fit it all in. Love changes. "The love you start with will not be the same in five years. That love will not be the same in ten years, twenty, and so on." My father-in-law told me this in a letter when I asked his permission to marry his beautiful daughter five years ago. Now at the time I was just happy he said yes and gave his blessing. I'm so glad I kept that letter because it means so much more to me now practically five years later. The love we have has changed. It's no ones fault. Luke, our careers, and bills have stacked up against us to challenge that very love. But because of these things this "new" love will be stronger. I love LeeAnn more today than the first time I ever said those words to her practically ten years ago. But a lot of the focus today goes to Luke. Our love has altered slightly to meet his needs. It's okay and understandable. Change can be good. And I believe it is in this situation. Without the daily hardships of time and the stress that has been building I personally would have kept walking away from God than walking to him. I have since re-directed my life to walk in God's light which has helped me realize how much LeeAnn and Luke truly mean to me and what plan God has for me. To give myself completely as Jesus would.

It has taken me years to truly understand what he was saying in that letter. But I understand now. All of it. Having God apart of your marriage, communicating, and never giving up on each other. My father in law wrote these words to me as a guide, and until recently they were just words on a page. I really appreciate these words now more than ever. So even though it has taken me years to say it, thanks dad for the advice. Thank you soooooo much. I love you.


gram said…
you are so right about the love in a relationship. it does change and i noticed that the day my dad left my mom after 49 years of a what i thought was going to be a marriage that would last forever.

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