It's Not JUST Money

I was at the post office the other day talking to a relative on the sidewalk when a man approached us. He was cold as you could tell from the blue tainted skin and the difficulty at which he was speaking while his shaken hand held a picture of a family obviously missed. He needed to buy a bus ticket to get to some family out of state. As he continued to work through his story of how he hasn't a job or any transportation I noticed my relative begin to look at their watch and then bid me farewell. As they left I noticed a glance that questioned why I was still standing there. I did so as I have done many times in the past. Something in my heart tells me to be patient and listen. I knew the inevitable question for money was coming.
"Could you please spare a little change? Please sir, if you have anything to spare I would be appreciative." I didn't even hesitate to reach in my pocket. As I handed over a few dollar bills I was offered another hand shake and the usually "God bless you sir." I took it with a smile and wished him luck and went off back to my life as before. When I got in my car I noticed a few people just walk on by without a glance this mans way. Now I know they are many people that believe "You just bought them some booze." This may be so. However I would like to believe that their story was the truth and the embarrassment look in their eyes was genuine. I don't mind the money. I just choose to believe that they will do the right thing. I may just be stupid who knows. But I'll keep on doing it. I feel God would want me to help. After I hand it over it's up to them to do what's right. If no one ever gave anything they would never have the opportunity to make the choice to be right. It just made me think about how truly blessed I am with my beautiful wife and son. Those couple bills meant very little to me, but to that man it could have meant a step closer to the right path. Lets hope so.


lina said…
You were probably one of the few people who did the right thing. As you said, the humility in his face appeared genuine?!
It is always enjoyable to read your blog because you express how much you appreciate your wife, child & family & how Blessed your lives are. Keep up the good bloggin!

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