A big THANK YOU for my life

As we finished up the yearly routine of eating cake and opening gifts for the birthday, LeeAnn and I had plans to eat at the Mongolian Barbecue in Ann Arbor. I was excited and eagerly waiting that delicious plate! LeeAnn told me we were going to drop off her brother at a friend's house that lived there. I wanted to take my car, but LA insisted that we take hers. I just wanted to save a little gas. As we approached the exit I was handed a blind fold and then knew why we couldn't take my car. As I sat going through the turns I tried to map out where we were going. No such luck. I was led into a building where all of my wonderful friends screamed surprise. I was surprised too. I earlier guess we might be playing Whirly Ball, but not real seriously. Anyway we had a great time and I was so surprised LA went this far. I've never had a surprise party before!! (Two months of planning and secret e-mails.. this girl of mine is sneaky!!!!!)

I just wanted to thank everyone for coming. It shows that even with gas prices being what they are today that you could still spend 10.00 in gas to come out. I love you all. LA, my love, my rock, my life... I just thank you that you have spent another year by me. You truly are the best. (I'm glad you didn't tell me you were planning this because I would have never let you spend THAT MUCH on ME. My birthday gifts are covered for the next ten years. i love you)

Though I loved spending time with my friends (as we don't see each other much), the best gift of the day was when LA told me she took the night off. To steal one more evening with her really made my day.

Thank you all!!!!!


Nicole said…
Happy Birthday Tony! We wish we could have been there. I'm glad she was able to pull off the surprise! :)
Anonymous said…
I had fun. I suck at whirly ball. Happy Birthday one more time. Hope you liked the car. It was just a small token. You have been a great friend helping me through a rough time.

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