here today.. enjoying this moment

As I placed Luke in bed I watched his chest move up and down as he slipped away into dream-land. To look in his face and realize that he was created from a love so pure and sweet makes my heart count the many blessing I have. As the daily stresses build from work all is erased as I watch him sleep peacefully. Though my beautiful wife LeeAnn isn't here with me now, she IS I see lying here in the bed with him as he is a beautiful reflection of her. Isn't it funny how love can erase all worry and anguish that the day throws at you. If I were to pass tomorrow and talk to God about dying at such a young age, I could actually say I lived a full life filled with people I truly loved, and in part truly loved me....
As Luke shifts in the bed I lean over to kiss his forehead one more time and whisper, " daddy loves you" for I want him to know that everyday I love him and mommy more than life itself. My happiness is to see both of them smile, and if I can shine light and love through their day, then I know all the pains and joy that I've overcome was worth every second. I regret nothing, and its for them that I continue...


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