Living with Regret

We've all been hurt in some fashion. Whether it be by a friend, (a back-stabbing) a loved one (fireworks gone dry), or even by family (trusting blood, yet it turns to water). The choices that life presents is like a kid in a candy-store. Should I go for the sugar coated gummy or a chocolate thunder bar? Having choices is good, but to make the right choice is great!! I know many people who look back on their lives with regret. " I was young and bull-headed" "I wanted to have fun" "He wouldn't do this" "I wasn't ready at the time"... If you look closely you'll see a common trend, they all have I's in them. We are a selfish society. We don't take time to think about others and what effects what. It is a "my world" and "I'll do what I want" type of place. From material items to taking that last drink before stumbling back to the homestead. "I can control myself" Can you? Look at those who take their own life, completely selfish. Look at the family that is left behind wondering what happened, or the little girl searching for mommy or daddy. I've gone through the suicide thing with my family. Close relatives too. I'm not just rambling without experience...

Look at relationships. We all know marriages work sometimes. Who's fault is that? I don't get it. You made a PROMISE to love that person through GOOD TIMES AND BAD. What is your excuse? (some reasons are acceptable) You loved that person at one time where you wanted to spend you entire life with them. What happened? Love is tough work. We need to throw out many of those selfish desires. You hear all the time, "Yeah we probably could've worked that out but we were young." Guess what, it's been 15-20 years and you now realize what mistake you had made. It can't change now. That story book that you've always wanted now has been re-written because one chapter didn't have rainbows in it. Now you find yourself living in the rain ALL the time. Nice choice.

Regret on the heart is dangerous. You impact your children, friends, and have to face yourself every day. The impulse decision isn't the best way to live. Thinking isn't always practiced. If you need help go to Yahoo questions and answers, s-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g. For those whose live on the computer this is the best way I guess.... Hey, I'm just trying to help.

To those that need that drink have one for me, cause I choose not to do so myself. I like to have my wits about me. I have a beautiful wife and son that needs my wits too. I make mistakes but I do think out my decisions in hopes that it is the right one. I hope you do too.


Tag! You're it!

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