
I entered the dentist office for my routine check-up. I'm never in a hurry to get there but arrive in good spirits. I walk down the long hallway where the captain's chair awaits its captain. As I sit down I hear an argument from another room. The lady walks out without saying a word in a hurry. After a few moments have gone by I notice the argument has gone from low volume to a monster truck rally. Furniture was being overturned from the noises that bounced their way into my room. I got out of my chair and went down the hall. Their was a gentleman, although not being very gentle, wrestling with another male who appeared to be a dentist from his attire he supported. As I neared the two, the lady that walked me to my chair faced me from across the room with an irritated look on her face. The two men stopped as they changed their focus onto the lady scowling at me. She pulled from her jacket a knife. I seemed to be frozen and disturbed that my dental office was acting in this manner. I wanted to fill out a comment card but from the look on this lady's face I had no time. She walked closer to me and still I froze. As she neared to about 4 steps she lunged at me. I caught her in a twisting manner that I'm sure resembled the waltz to the onlookers. She was screaming at me but I couldn't make out the words. All I knew was that my side was beginning to ache. She didn't appear to be heavy... But once I seen the blood coating on her knife I knew what happened. Again and again I felt each jolt of pain into my side. Over and over and over and over again. Then I.....

I awoken with a yelp as the jolts were still finding my side. As I reached around with my hand I grabbed a small foot, sock less, but a foot none the less. Thanks for that adventure son. As I tried to fall back asleep I realized that I have a dental appointment coming at the end of this month. Yikes.


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