Will the real Mr. Howard please stand up

As I entered my school today ready to educate my students I was greeted by a parent who said, "You're not dressed up today." A little background for you, I'm a teacher and I wear ties 90% of the time, except for Fridays. Anyway after this comment and playing it off by saying, "I ran out of ties", which is a fib because I probably have around 60 ties. (THANKS BEAUTIFUL!!) I continued up to my classroom when another comment about the way I was dressed was received. I began to become curious as to why it mattered that I was dressed down on this day. To cut a long story short I found out right before class had started. You see I have to help one of my students daily getting up the stairs because he is in a wheelchair. As I was walking back downstairs there was a group of people, some students and a couple adults that were just waiting for me. When I approached my student I noticed he was wearing a tie with a blue shirt. (They too mentioned the way I was dressed) I said that he looked nice today. As the day went on a couple teachers in the school went out of their way to tell me that this student has been telling people that he wanted to be just like me. He knew I like wearing blue a lot, and had a tie that looked pretty similar to one of mine. I guess his grandmother that takes care of him went out and shopped for an outfit that would represent me. It warmed my heart that he looks up to me, but for some reason I don't know why he does. I'm nothing special. I mean honestly I really stay on this kid to push him and he has said that I annoy him because I always make him use his walker. I am just trying to get him to become stronger to get out of that chair. So for him to say that he wants to be like me blew me away and was a surprise. He actually never said that he was trying to be me, but after school his grandmother confirmed what the teachers came and told me. I just thought it was ironic that someone actually wanted to be like me, when sometimes I wish I were someone else...


Anonymous said…
Perhaps the reason people want to be like you is because you are so un-assuming. You enter these relationships with kids with a single minded need to help them be better. It fills them with a confidence that perhaps they don't get in other parts of their lives. Your natural charm has been drawing people to you for as long as I've known. I myself sometimes wish I could be more like you. I've said it before, but you remind me of Superman, not for the strength or speed or any other powers, but because you always try to do the right thing. But don't get a big head. That's one of the things people like about you.

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