
Showing posts from June, 2008
On this day 5 years ago I married the woman of my dreams, and the best friend anyone could ever imagine. I thank God for lending me one of his angels to watch over me and spend my life with....

Father and son ... golf 101

I've waited for the right time to take Luke golfing. Last week I started thinking about it more. When beautiful and I were out shopping I came across some real golf clubs for 2-5 year olds. I knew they had them but didn't want to push to hard. Well as summer vacation started I was left sitting at home while most everyone around was still at work. My buddies rarely get out to golf anymore, money, jobs, family, life... As I was getting twitchy about golfing and having no one to go with, me and the wife went to get him some clubs. The next day I took him down to the driving range to get him some swinging time. He did great!! As momma and I took a couple swings I would say he hit around 30 balls alone! No I'm not trying to create the next Tiger Woods, although the money would be nice. I simply want someone to go golfing with. What better person to go with than my son? (I'd love to golf with momma, but she doesn't like it too much I guess) We have gone out t

Just give me a moment to catch my breath

"Schools out for-the-summer!!!!" As I handed out many hugs to my students, tears fell, smiles filled the halls, and an occasional "Bye Mr. Howard" was heard from down the hall. I completed the last of my end-of-the-year paperwork in an oven (95 degrees in the morning in my classroom alone!!!). Once I locked up the room and went to get the boy my mind started recalling how stressful this last year has been on my life. I probably aged 10 years, and it wasn't my students fault either!!!! Where should I begin. I entered this year without a contract. I was to step in and fulfill a teacher's absence for the whole year. They told me it would lead to a contract, but in September I wasn't going to get my hopes up so early. They got a full time teacher at a sale!!!!! No sick days for me. If I was sick I wasn't paid. Going to Professional Development or after school activities, I wasn't paid. It was okay though because I had to pay my dues I gue