
Showing posts from May, 2008

Trippin Billies

As we pulled up to the driveway finally reaching our destination of Kentucky, I noticed right away the stereo-typed culture of a hilly-billy yard. At least 6 cars were resting in the yard, 2 that were drivable. Entering the house looking at the ceiling with patches and tons of THINGS just piled up in corners and against walls. Yip, this is my heritage, true hill-billies... I have no problem with their way of life, in fact I actually see resemblance of this to my Yankee home. I really enjoy being down here amongst family members I rarely get to see. To get out of "The Rat Race" is great. (Down home they refer to our living as a rat race...) It's quiet, everybody is friendly, and when people wave they use ALL of their fingers. The only real problem i endured is smoking two packs of cigs before eggs are served. I second-hand smoked at least two cartons in two days with this group of travelers. It took some getting use to but once breakfast is done and over &q

Whatever and whatever... love you, bye

As my lunchtime was almost over, I noticed that my phone was blinking. "Somebody loves me" I thought OR just a junk call not worth noting. Anyway I was relieved to see that the missed call was from my love. Seems she tried to reach me at 8:10 this morning. I left her sleeping so I was thinking that maybe somebody wanted to come and look at the house. I hit the button to listen to the call......... "Hey it's me. Um, the living room could be bigger, possibly hazardous or whatever. I was blrrr rrrrgh and whatever, so yeah its blrrrr aaagh flurrrr. I'll talk to you later." Curious why our living room is now considered hazardous, I listened to the message again. Wanting to call about the message I left the curiosity for after school. After school I called LA to talk before my class. I asked her about the call and she didn't know what I was talking about. She checked her phone to see any incoming or outgoing calls had occurred. She didn't see

A big THANK YOU for my life

As we finished up the yearly routine of eating cake and opening gifts for the birthday, LeeAnn and I had plans to eat at the Mongolian Barbecue in Ann Arbor. I was excited and eagerly waiting that delicious plate! LeeAnn told me we were going to drop off her brother at a friend's house that lived there. I wanted to take my car, but LA insisted that we take hers. I just wanted to save a little gas. As we approached the exit I was handed a blind fold and then knew why we couldn't take my car. As I sat going through the turns I tried to map out where we were going. No such luck. I was led into a building where all of my wonderful friends screamed surprise. I was surprised too. I earlier guess we might be playing Whirly Ball, but not real seriously. Anyway we had a great time and I was so surprised LA went this far. I've never had a surprise party before!! (Two months of planning and secret e-mails.. this girl of mine is sneaky!!!!!) I just wanted to thank everyon

My name is Anthony, I will be 28. thank you

As another birthday nears, I try and not place to big an emphasis on the actual number. As a matter of fact I really don't too excited anymore. It is but a day where I realize I am getting older, hopefully another year wiser. I don't care that I'M getting older, but really I think of everyone else around me more on my birthday. I see the faces that have surrounded me for many years and the smiles have always been there. What hasn't been there is the added wrinkles on their faces, the expanded waist line, a new difficulty of walking... You see if I'm getting older the people I love are too. I cherish each birthday where family gathers to enjoy the afternoon one more time. As my birthdays will continue (hopefully), I will eventually see less faces as they will have spent their time here and will have passed on. So as I will get a year older this Saturday, the 17th, I will cherish those who will join me one more time. So please excuse me if I'm not spinnin

here today.. enjoying this moment

As I placed Luke in bed I watched his chest move up and down as he slipped away into dream-land. To look in his face and realize that he was created from a love so pure and sweet makes my heart count the many blessing I have. As the daily stresses build from work all is erased as I watch him sleep peacefully. Though my beautiful wife LeeAnn isn't here with me now, she IS I see lying here in the bed with him as he is a beautiful reflection of her. Isn't it funny how love can erase all worry and anguish that the day throws at you. If I were to pass tomorrow and talk to God about dying at such a young age, I could actually say I lived a full life filled with people I truly loved, and in part truly loved me.... As Luke shifts in the bed I lean over to kiss his forehead one more time and whisper, " daddy loves you" for I want him to know that everyday I love him and mommy more than life itself. My happiness is to see both of them smile, and if I can shine ligh

My GROIN is healing... Thanks for your concern

Hey I'm feeling better today. A little lighter in the wallet (thanks college credit!!). Hey it's only money. I really don't like to dwell on money issues. Money is just money, you make it, you spend it. Heck , many of us spend money that we don't have (thanks credit card companies!!) I'm one for never settling. If something is out there that you have your eyes set on, don't settle. Now this might cause you to have to wait to save a few extra bucks. If you can't wait for this MUST HAVE thing then you really don't want it, or even need it. I remember something the pastor told us when beautiful (my wife for those just joining us) and I were making the promise of the vows. He said, "In today's society people no longer say "Til death do us part", BUT "Til DEBT do us part." These words really stuck with me. I see many couples who fight and complain because of money. Now it can be frustrating at times if someone gets crazy about mon

Because You Love me

Dear God, As I lay my head down tonight I come to you with more questions about life. They are many questions that you have heard before, yet every one seems to present itself as new once again. You are love and love divine, as this world has been created with love as a foundation I can't help but question the pains that come with breathing. For instance, why does jealously rid some souls. No doubt prior situations have played to this, and I can only seek a peace of mind with trust and complete honesty. I try to live my days doing the right things, avoiding hurtful situations to any if I can, yet I still do things wrong at times. Your gift of love has built the man you see before you today. I don't care about money, cars, or any other little pleasures that life presents. Everyday I want to give love to any I meet. I'm not going to lie though, some probably don't deserve love, but they need to receive it the most. Also Father I question mans'

Finish him...

Have you ever had one of those days where you could just rewind and start it over? If I was contemplating suicide in any sorts, I would have probably done it at 8:06; let's just call it a day shall we. I woke up at 6:30 to begin my day. It started out wonderful, but then blah, blah, blah, school ended, off to class, blah, blah, blah find out my credits for my certificate doesn't count, blah, blah, blah come home at 7:15, look for a positive boost at home (my support, my comfort, my relaxation) instead find stones being thrown in my direction. Emotionally I am against the ropes at this point anyway, but now find that as I collapse to the floor and reach for the ropes I'm continually being kicked in the groin. "Stay down." If it wasn't for Mickey in my head saying "I didn't hear no bell" I would have just laid there to drown in my own blood. After the good lashing I received for being "an idiot", I cooked some burgers to feed my too