
Showing posts from September, 2008

A strategy noticed...

As a teacher I always try and stay engaged with my students. I know there are many different beliefs and strategies to teaching, and that's okay. We are all on the same team here. Anyway, personal goal for myself is to rarely sit at my desk... For any reason. I want to be moving around where my kids notice me and I'm close to the work. Well it's been about three weeks now and I was in a groove. I went to my desk to read as my kids were reading silently when one of my boys put up the signal to make a comment or question. "Mr. Howard, this is the first time I've seen you at your desk. Many of my past teachers sit at their desk a lot." I didn't really reply other than a simple "oh, I didn't even notice I wasn't here at my desk often." I went on with the day and was startled that my goal, so far, was noticed. We have a long year to go, but I'm off to a good start I guess.

A little Dave Matthews for you daddy from little man...

"Daddy, you want me to sing a song for you? A Dave Matthews song? Here I go..." He strums the guitar and bellows... " What would you say? Don't bite the mail man... What would you say?" strum strum strum.... Luke is two, almost three... It seems we have a new Dave club member here. That's all I need to say as I was and still am speechless.

Always a comment....

As I have transitioned into a new (old) vehicle this year I have noticed that I'm still receiving many comments about the vehicle I drive. It goes with that stereo-type phrase, "the car don't make the man..." or does it? I have found this all funny and humbling. Believe I would love to have a sweet ride... But money talks here in materialized America and I still haven't figured out how to get that blasted money tree to grow. I would get real nice comments from everyone when I drove that Mini, and now I get many comments about the Beast (the neon) too. It's funny how the car changes the image. People look at me funny when I get out with a tie on for work. It's like they want me to get something else. I laugh, she still gets me around 30 miles to a gallon. One day Beautiful will have to come and pick me up from the side of the road, but until then the Beast lives... Here is a little Howard car history for you... 89 Chevy Cavalier - 1st car... d

Helping to spread the blogging world to my students...

Yesterday I decided to share the blogging world with my students. I want them to be comfortable with the Internet and all the possible options that it can produce...

Back to the lecture at hand....

Excitement filled my body as I headed back to the classroom this week. Gone are the days of summer and they will be missed. I had a great summer spending many moments with those people I hold dear to my heart, but work maintains my purpose on this Earth, and it won't hurt getting paid again consistently with a contract as support. I have many high expectations this year for my students and myself. I've introduced a recycling center in my room so the kids can see how easy it is and how they can do this at home. I've all ready built up a half of container of plastics and it's only the second day. The paper bin is not far behind either. It feels good doing something like this knowing we can make a difference. Shoot I wouldn't even have done it if it hadn't been for my beautiful wife pushing me to go green. (Not "go green" like the Spartans, that would be the ultimate sin in this house!!!!!!!!!) With school back in I know my time be