
Showing posts from February, 2008

My little shadow

As the moments continue to pass I am starting to see what kind of young man my boy will grow into. Of course this is a true reflection of how I act in front of him and what I present as a father to him. I watch what I say and try to do the right things. I love on mommy a lot and he now mirrors that action (sippin' on my kool-aid). Now when it comes to sports I have to be very careful. I'm a very competitive person and sometimes I let it show on my face. I love the games and enjoy playing them. This is what I want Luke to learn as well. To love the games, don't treat them as anything more than that. What is done on the court or field stays on the field. When you take the aggressive side of sports and apply them to other situations you meet problems. Now I don't like to lose, not many people do, if anybody; but we must accept losing sometimes and not let it ruin our lives. You can use it as motivation to get better, but don't take it into other parts of lif

Bottom's Up

So the new thing my son and I are playing is Hide-and- go- seek. Luke started this game at my grandma Howard's house during the day, but recently he started bringing this idea home. We hide from the linen closet, behind furniture, under small boxes, and on the other side of the bed. Usually Luke just goes and hides in the linen closet, but the other day he fooled me. I went around calling his name. Usually he starts laughing and I can tell where he his, but on that day he didn't make a sound. For about 1 minute I was actually really trying to find him. From the bathroom, to my bedroom, then to his; he was nowhere to be found. I looked behind the doors, around the couch, everywhere. It was then in his room that I was trying to think as a two year old, which actually for me wasn't that hard to do. I turned to his bed and spotted a patch of red within the blanket. As I ventured closer i realized he was mooning me from under the blanket. The surprising thing was tha

Time goes on

I just got off a fantastic weekend with my family. Alone time with my beautiful wife, play time with the child, and we even mixed a little time for friends. Wednesdays are always dreaded though. On these days we must bid farewell to the past nights of family time. LeeAnn has worked third shifts now for well over a year consistently, but not having her there at night is never easy. It's just Luke and I. As much as I enjoy spending time with my son it's always better to have her here with us. To know she is in the other room is a comfort. I try and fill the void with time wasted on the Internet, movies, or working out. I have written some songs about the emptiness, but no one ever hears them but me. I love spending time as a complete family. The time apart does give me a reminder on how I can't live without her. And then I desire her even more, but I then have to wait until the next afternoon to see her. Sometimes I get a call to bring her some food at work (mi

On this day of LOVE...

On this the official day of love I would like to wish all those who read a wonderful loving day. However, when this day ends don't wait another year to confess your love to that special someone. Our mates are treasures that need to be treated this way without a marked day on the calendar. I love you beautiful. Everyday I am blessed to be in your presence is a day of love. You are my life. Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!

Pee Buddy

As the new adventures of potty training continue with Luke I find myself doing more cleaning than when I just changed his diaper. Yesterday we were standing at the toilet waiting, counting down, and waiting some more. I even turn the water on to get him in the flowing mood. He'll even tell me now to turn it on. Anyway this last time Luke says to me, "you go too daddy." At this point I actually had to go. So I stand next to the boy, after he sees that I'm ready to go he starts the hose. I could not believe how quick and powerful he lined the bathroom. Before I could put myself away Luke was all ready watering the floor, the back of the toilet, and across my leg. I think even he was surprised at his power. It was like a fire-engine water hose on full blast without anyone tending to the hose. Just let it loose. As the pee party continued he starts saying, "I'm peeing, I'm peeing." I on the other hand I was screaming, "I'm hit!!!!!

I'm Stuck... On you

This evening was very pleasant, stealing hugs and kisses from my wife,playing with the boy; All within the hour before LeeAnn heads to work. I went out to start her car, routine. She was getting ready in the bathroom, routine, and I got her some lunch from the freezer to take with her, also routine. The time was about 6:09 and LA's running late, which is becoming routine, hehehehe. Anyway, she was rushing around to get out the door when I told her to watch because my car was right behind hers. "Just go around it to the right." We had our farewell kiss, and the boy got his as well. I then began to proceed to the back of the house for something. I thought I heard a noise of a car door so I went to peek out. About 5 minutes had passed since LA left the house. I peeked out to see her car spinning the tires at probably 50 mph in an effort to break free from the snow that covered our yard. She was off to the right of my car but over in the yard where a monster truck

For the Love of the Game

As the days fade away we are all left with the realization that one day there will be something that we always loved to do and no longer the ability to do them. The older you get the more things you have to leave behind. As I'm not classified as old (though there are times when I can't move after playing a sport) I do think about when the day will come where I have to alter my very active life. It has become a little harder motivating myself to participate in extra activities with the hectic schedule that surrounds my wife and I. Now I would gladly participate if my love would accompany me. As a matter of fact, LeeAnn has been terrific about trying sports with me. She isn't the most athletic person in the world but she tries for me. From golf, to b-ball, bowling, and even tennis she will give each an opportunity for me. At the time I never really told her how much I appreciated this. It made me feel so loved when she would play these activities with me. (I love you b

A Box from the Past

As I was searching for a lost cd in my parents basement I came across a boot box. It was near some of my old stuff so I decided to take a peek. When I opened the box I knew exactly where it came from. It took me back about six years. It placed me at my Grandma Zczyiel's. Right in her living room. She was sick at the time and I was there keeping her company. I remember bringing over Rebecca (my first guitar) and showing it to her. Grandma was so excited. She couldn't wait to hear some music from me. At the time I couldn't do much with it but admire what future sounds that might come from it. She was there on the couch with some old newspaper clippings. She was telling me that she wanted me to have them. As I scanned through them I realized they were articles and small wordings about myself during my high school basketball days. She had kept them all. I told her thanks but left the box there to later come for it. I remember putting the box away and then going t