Dropping the Boys Off at the Pool

For about 25 years (diaper days are excluded) I've been able to escape the troubles and chaos of the day by entering the office, my library, and sometimes referred to as my Fortress of Solitude. Yes I'm talking about the bathroom. For years and years I've kept this part of my life without interruption. I walk through that door and do my thang in peace. All of that ended the day my son learned how to turn the knob. Situation; I'm sitting on my throne like a king, stretched out, taking in the beautiful view of my bathtub when I hear a jiggle jiggle of the door knob. I became nervous, red faced, and silent hoping the intruder would pass. Sweat began to line my forehead as I was about to meet the person who would have the audacity to interrupt my time. As the door knob continued to jiggle I wondered if my wife was just playing with me (she knows me too well). It wasn't until Luke walked through the door and stood before me with that look of curiosity that I was somewhat calmed. There I was with my son looking at me with a face that beamed, "Daddy, I just opened the door really easy." I was thinking, "I've got to get that lock fixed." Luke had this nostalgic look on his face and then grinned to me, "What you doing Daddy?" I looked at him like a king to one of his servants knowing that I should tell him exactly what was going on. This was one of life's moments he would learn from. "Son, I'm dropping the boys off at the pool." He looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes and turned to leave. Before he left he turned again to face me. "I coming." "No son, you can't come this time..."


What... You aren't bringing Lukas to the pool?!?!
That is indeed hilarious!

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