I'm still a boy... she's still a girl

Remember those days of less stress, less bills, and not to mention less baggage around the belly? In those days we would not pass up an opportunity to play in the snow. Who cares if it was cold!? Those were the days, right? well lets fast forward now to the present time. Snow is best when it is off the roads, off our cars, and left on the ground to look at but not submerge in. LeeAnn and I thought it would fun to go sledding. Though we both really don't care to be cold, we would rely on each other to create warmth on the hills. After the 20 minutes of gathering clothes to layer we set off to Cascades Falls here in Jackson. The sledding on these hills are legendary around here. I had never been to tell the truth so I was really excited. Upon arrival we noticed that there were many other lads out there enjoying the snow too. We were not the oldest ones out there, but after climbing he hill the first time we felt like it. Our ride/sled was a circle cyclone, green with handles around the edges. I would be the driver in the back while she had front seats to explain/yell when to turn or stop. As soon as we started down that hill steering the sled an after thought. Our thoughts going down that first hill was just to stay alive. The wind was really screaming as we headed down. (Later I realized that there really wasn't any wind but just my wife and I exercising our vocal chords.) We ended up going again and again for about an hour. There was nothing better than holding my wife in my arms feeling like a school boy again. (Although in school when I was sledding my buddy and I aimed for the kids climbing the hill so we could knock them down.) The excitement and sharing it with her was amazing. When we were done we went over to fresh snow and made snow angels. She didn't really have to make one in the snow for being an angel already but she did anyhow. Aside from loosing my keys for a couple minutes in the snow when I plopped down for my angel, the night was truly memorable. I love the snow. I love watching it fall against the night sky. And when you put my beautiful wife in the equation, I was feeling very very romantic and overflowing with love. The laughter that we shared during the night was very refreshing. There was nowhere in the world that I would have rather of been than with her. Cold, wet, and tired we continued over and over. Next time we will bring Lukas along. Maybe not on these hills, but someone had to test the water first. What a great night filled with love...


Anonymous said…
Is your friend Andy Trepka, and is the sledding hill the one at Arnold Elementary School? I seem to remember something like that, though I could be wrong.

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