Holy FREEZE POP Batman!!!!

3:10 a.m - During my usual nights of waking up and being restless I usually just close my eyes and drift back off. However last night was different. LeeAnn was working the last of her 8 out of 9 work-night stretch and I broke my streak of having Luke sleep in his on room and let him reside in daddy's bed. I don't give in too often but thank God I did last night. When I awoke at the early hour of three I sensed something wrong. I listened for the humming sound of the furnace but it was not there. I crawled out of bed and instantly noticed that it was FREEZING COLD!!! I headed into the living-room to see the temperature had dropped to 64 in a matter of 3 hours ( I went to bed at 12). I then headed into the furnace room to hear nothing. I tried the breaker, reset the whole system, and nothing. I phone LeeAnn to see what I should do or have the people come out so we don't freeze to death. (Once the furnace stopped in the night and we woke up to 50 degrees) I then called my dad because I knew he gets up around 3 to get ready for work. He told me to check the fuse and repeat the process again. I did so and tried it once again. I waited a couple minutes and finally it turned on. I was relieved. It was about 4 when i got back to bed. I thanked God for waking me up. Luke was still warm beneath the covers where I had left him. I'm so glad I gave in to let him sleep with me. God was really looking out for us last night.


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