Numbered Days...

Joy has overwhelmed my Sunday so far. The morning was welcomed with the silent pleasures that a man can relish with his beautiful love. As she lay sleeping I ran my fingers through her hair. Feelings of love trickled from my hands through each strand of hair that flows from her head. A sense of peace and tranquility as I admired her special features. Time seemed to stop. And though I knew she was mildly aware that I lay there treasuring each second, I continued for I knew that these moments are too few and far from the norm. I received nothing in return physically, or even expected a return gesture. The simple presence of peace with her as she lay stretching for the pillow. If only these moments could last a lifetime. Those seconds that floated by this morning left me with the question, " If I leave this Earth tomorrow, will she know just how much I truly love her? Not just when she is sleeping, but when she is right in front of me.
We all have numbered days on this Earth. None of us know when time will end. Church service today reminded me that many people don't truly live until their time is almost up or is in the closing moments. What if we could live each day like it was our last? I mean could we really do that? We have to work, pay the bills, follow the daily routines that surround us. Yes responsibility has its dark moments, but it can also be positive too. I am moving my wife, son, family, and friends back to the top of my responsibility list. I am not living to work, to get that new car, or whatever material needs that society has out there any more. I am striving to cherish each moment I have on this Earth. To love, and essentially be loved back. There is no greater feeling than having someone tell you that they love you. It might not be with words, maybe it is when they smile at you. Maybe its when you go and take the trash out without being asked. I have been lacking in this area. I got comfortable, like we all do in life. I'm 27 and I have made certain things a priority that shouldn't have been there. I have had a bunch of lights go off in my life lately. And I am choosing to make the necessary changes to rectify some situations. When was the last time that you really said "I Love You" to somebody? Not ending a phone call or the routine of saying it when you leave somewhere, but actually looked that person in the eye and said... I Love You. Love is the best thing you can give and receive, and it is quite possibly the easiest thing to do. I'm seeing that now more than ever. Life might be good, but it could be great. Just something to think about.


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