Do What I Say and Not What I Do

I had a student of mine yesterday give me a nice comment after a question response activity I had done with them. You see we are reading a book about how a child and father are coping with a mother that has left in order to find herself. And this book has many opportunities for myself to really reach down and get these kids to open up to me so I can understand them better. So anyway I had them begin their journal entry questions and I told them to write honest answers about themselves because no one will read these but them, not even I. My objective was to get them to really think about themselves and what they have already overcome in their lives or what goals they possess. To make a long story short after we were done and we were reflecting on what they had written I went off on a heart to heart talk with them. At the end of my little thing the student said, "Mr. Howard, we have been talking and believe that you should go around to different schools and talk to kids all around to make them feel good about themselves. Like one of those motivational speaker people." I just smiled and we continued our day. That child will never really know how that made me feel that I do right by motivating them and letting them be themselves and feel good about it. I love my job and how it allows me to help children believe in themselves. I could learn a few things from them. I preach this stuff to them and yet I don't believe in myself at times. This was a great moment for me and my confidence. It is little things like this that keep me afloat with all the stress that comes along with the job and my life.


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